Popular Podcasts for Engineering Leaders

Krishna Mohan Devabhaktuni
Krishna Mohan Devabhaktuni
Content Lead August 28, 2019

Popular podcasts for engineering leaders

Leaders are pressed for time and it's no different for Technical and Engineering Leaders who manage large teams, bring high-quality products to market at an agile rate. Their tight professional and personal schedules leave almost near-zero time for learning, collaborating with others in the community. Podcasts can help here. Podcasting allows them to learn on the move/multi-task during office commute, lunch or a mid-day walk. While there are a wide variety of podcasts available, we wanted to focus on ones that have high-quality content, ratings, and reviews. Here is the list. Go ahead and listen in!


Software Engineering Daily features technical interviews which cover Software Engineering topics like FB GraphQL, Data Engineering, Data Science, Open Source Eco-system, etc.

Average Rating: 4.8

No. of Ratings: 342

Episode Count:  100


a16z aka Andreessen Horowitz features Technology experts, Business leaders, and Entrepreneurs and other interesting thinkers talking about tech trends and future mainly as "Software and AI eats the world."

Average Rating: 4.5

No. of Ratings: 435

Episode Count: 250


Software Engineering Radio has tutorials on a specific engineering aspect or an interview with a well-known leader from the software world.

Average Rating: 4.5

No. of Ratings: 155

Episode Count: 290

Popular Podcasts for Engineering and Product Leaders


The ChangeLog is a polyglot podcast with in-depth interviews from the best and brightest in software engineering, open-source and engineering leadership covers all aspects of programming, languages, and platforms.

Average Rating: 4.8

No. of Ratings: 151

Episode Count: 100


The CloudCast : Aaron Delp and Brian Gracely host the podcast as they discuss how technology is driving Digital Transformation, DevOps, Hybrid Cloud, etc. with thought leaders and founders of industry-changing Technology companies.

Average Rating: 4.4

No. of Ratings: 61

Episode Count: 300


Build by OV features Talks from Founders and Operators across engineering and product management with a focus on scaling SaaS businesses. Get advice on building MVP, hiring the right team and making the right technology choices.

Average Rating: 4.9

No. of Ratings: 62

Episode Count: 67


Engineering Career Coach hosted by the best selling author Anthony Fasano coaches engineers of all ages and experience levels on different career goals and challenges. It covers topics such as job search, goal setting, finding a mentor, communication skills, public speaking, etc

Average Rating: 5

No. of Ratings: 14

Episode Count: 64


ModernCTO : Joel Beasley hosts this popular podcast for CTOs and aspiring CTOs, Engineering Leaders in Deep Tech, AeroSpace, AI, Robotics, etc.

Average Rating: 4.9

No. of Ratings: 25

Episode Count: 120

Bonus Podcasts:

We recommend you follow these podcasts too for great engineering leadership advice and insights from some of the best thought leaders in the technology space.


SimpleLeadership specifically focuses on improving the craft of software engineering leadership. It is designed for both new and experienced software and technology managers who want to build high-performing teams, better motivate and mentor their employees, reduce attrition and advance their career.

Average Rating: 4.9

No. of Ratings: 25

Episode Count: 120


Programming Leadership hosted by Marcus Blankenship helps great coders become skilled leaders, and build happy, high-performing software teams.

Average Rating: 5

No. of Ratings: 3

Episode Count: 18

Final Thoughts

Learning from your own experience is great and learning from others’ experiences is imperative. These podcasts deliver this learning through experiences from seasoned engineering leaders, founders, and software geeks. So, go ahead and subscribe to these podcasts and get better, one podcast at a time.